Jacob Heinrich Elbfas, Swedish
By the Time Arthur Realized They Hadn’t Said “Simon SAYS Put Your Right Hand On Your Hip,” It Was Too Late. And This Was Why He Hated Children’s Birthday Parties, 1631
Oil on canvas
Jacob Heinrich Elbfas, Swedish
By the Time Arthur Realized They Hadn’t Said “Simon SAYS Put Your Right Hand On Your Hip,” It Was Too Late. And This Was Why He Hated Children’s Birthday Parties, 1631
Oil on canvas
Kristian Zahrtmann, Danish
When You’re One Day Into a 10-Year Prison Sentence and Realize You Forgot To Bring a Book, 1870
Oil on canvas
Camille Félix Bellanger, French
Florence Would’ve Ordinarily Given More Thought To Her Outfit, But She’d Been Told This Meeting Was Going To Be a Zoom, Date Unknown
Oil on canvas
Henry Andrews, English
“Hey, I Was Just Being Chivalrous. That Wedgie Wasn’t Going To Dislodge Itself,” 1857
Oil on canvas
Nicolaas Pieneman, Dutch
Rembrandt Looking at Porn (For “Research Purposes” Only), 1852
Oil on panel
Antonin Hölperl, Czech
“You Jackass. That’s Not What I Meant When I Asked You To Bring Me My Glasses From the Kitchen,” Before 1888
Oil on canvas, laid down on board
Laurent de La Hyre, French
Putting a Woman on a Pedestal: Step 1 of 4, 1635
Oil on canvas
American Lithographic Co., N.Y.
“Ohhh, You Have a Pet Pir-AN-ha. LOL, I Thought You Said I-GUA-na. What? I’m Sorry — I Can’t Understand You When You’re Frantically Pointing at the Water and Shrieking Like That,” 1900
Louis-Léopold Boilly, French
From the Discontinued IKEA Items Catalog: the Beåvørskrübben, ca. 1790
Oil on canvas
James Lobley, English
When His Gamekeeper Returned Home Empty-Handed After Yet Another Hunt, Lord Bentley Began To Question His Decision To Hire a Vegetarian, ca. 1873
Oil on canvas