Georges D’Espagnat, French

“Priceless” Football Tip of the Day: When Making an Open-Field Tackle, Always Go For the Legs, Date Unknown

Oil on canvas

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4 months ago

Artist info pointed to by my comment at another blog entry.

Last edited 4 months ago by mabrndt
4 months ago

/// Many D’Espagnat oils have one theme.
(Each can serve as a prurient meme.)
Two young girls share the scene,
just a towel in between.
Bathing naked in woods. (A wet dream?)

/// In today’s painting, only one’s nude,
and yet, somehow that makes it more lewd.
On the left, a girl’s found
fully clothed on the ground,
but her smile shows she’s hardly a prude.

/// She is hugging the legs of her pal
and stares lovingly up at the gal.
Like voyeurs, we all watch
the blonde’s face near the crotch
of brunette, whose form raises morale.

/// Both these women have red rosy cheeks,
and slim, healthy, athletic physiques.
I’ll go out on a limb
and guess Blondie can’t swim.
When she’s here, it’s not bathing she seeks.

/// Or, perhaps these two bathe taking turns.
and the blonde covers up ’cause she burns.
No… the tale I prefer
is where she lusts for her;
we can see on her face how she yearns.

/// If the nude girl did not think it right
to be clutched round her calves she’d take flight.
Yet, she smiled and she thrust
her knees toward the blonde’s bust.
Body language implies they are tight.

/// Still, it could be she’s not gay or bi,
and has only had sex with a guy,
but the look on her face says,
at this time and place,
she appears to be willing to try.

4 months ago

On the similarities of Masterpieces #3321 and #3323:

/// These two paintings show four different women,
each as sweet as a juicy persimmon.
Georges D’Espagnat’s no saint,
but he knew how to paint
(and just where to find gay women swimmin’).

/// By my count it’s three naked, one dressed—
but by this I don’t mean to suggest
that the nudes are harassed.
It seems no one’s aghast
at the prospect of being caressed.

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