Wilhelm Bendz, Danish

“Hey Guys! Remember When We Saw That Fin at the Beach and Thought It Was a Shark? Turns Out It Was Just Miss Raffenberg Snorkeling,” 1831

Oil on copper

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27 days ago

Info about this artist can be found in my comment and reply at an earlier blog entry.

Last edited 27 days ago by mabrndt
25 days ago

/// Marie Raffenberg, (here oddly clothed),
is best known as the Artist’s Betrothed.
Bendz depicted her hair
in that weird style she’d wear.
Was she loved by the artist, or loathed?

/// She, most likely, had beautiful hair.
When undone it would hang down to there
past her pert derrière.
Too bad Wilhelm won’t share
how his fair-haired girl can look. Unfair!

/// Her long hair hanging down could conceal
certain features and only reveal
what she wanted on view.
(If she really liked you,
after letting her hair down, she’d peel.)

/// Wilhelm says that he longs to be wedded
to Marie, (who is not empty headed).
Her hairstyle, far from dull,
masks the top of her skull,
where the blade of an axe is embedded.

/// Doctors told her their testing had proved
that the axe head should not be removed.
It affected her brain
like a hit of cocaine;
now on tame, boring Wilhelm she grooved.

/// Marie knew she was no raving beauty,
(though she did have that tight, shapely booty).
So when Wilhelm proposed
Marie rightly supposed
it was just from a feeling of duty.

/// For her injury no one was blamed,
but the axe had been his Marie claimed.
Drunk that day he’d forgotten,
but it seems something’s rotten
in Denmark, poor Wilhelm was framed.

/// She had preyed on his feelings of guilt,
although none of her blood had he spilt.
“This shame you must carry,
‘cause you axed me to marry.”
And their marriage, by that lie, was built.

25 days ago

/// the girl’s nose appears swollen and sore.
At last free from the bandage she wore.
When the swelling goes down
will she giggle or frown?
Still, it’s better than what came before.

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