Artist info is pointed to in my comment at a prior blog entry.
1 year ago
/// For the funeral of F. Chopin,
to be held at the church Madeleine,
he’d instructed l’église,
“Sing a sad Mozart piece.”
(Some parts couldn’t be done by a man.)
/// Though the Requiem, females, required,
women never before had been hired.
Behind black velvet curtain
girls were placed, to be certain
that no mourners, the chorus, desired.
/// Three girl choristers leaving the Church,
had been singing in that darkened perch.
From crouching down low
through the very long “show,”
they now walked with a Groucho-esque lurch.
Artist info is pointed to in my comment at a prior blog entry.
/// For the funeral of F. Chopin,
to be held at the church Madeleine,
he’d instructed l’église,
“Sing a sad Mozart piece.”
(Some parts couldn’t be done by a man.)
/// Though the Requiem, females, required,
women never before had been hired.
Behind black velvet curtain
girls were placed, to be certain
that no mourners, the chorus, desired.
/// Three girl choristers leaving the Church,
had been singing in that darkened perch.
From crouching down low
through the very long “show,”
they now walked with a Groucho-esque lurch.
(Based on a true story.)