MASTERPIECE #112 Jacques Blanchard, French Serial Killer Bummed the Paper Spelled His Name Wrong, 1632 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #110 Aert de Gelder, Dutch Lady Anne of Cornwall, First Recorded Victim of “The Booger Flick,” 1685 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #109 Juan Correa de Vivar, Spanish Mary Telling Angel to Just Let God Go to Voice Mail, 1559 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #106 Vicente Palmaroli, Spanish Carson Daly in “The Pirates of Penzance,” 1872 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #102 George Dunlop Leslie, English Cinderella Silently Cursing Her Temp Agency, 1850 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #101 Franz Kruger, German Count Kleinmueller, Not Fooling Anyone with the Tube Sock, 1850 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #100 Domenichino, Italian You’re Filming This, Right? Please Tell Me You’re Getting This, 1610 Oil on copper