MASTERPIECE #508 Hans Baldung, German Hercules DQ’d From Wrestling Match for Illegal Scrotum Grab, 1531 Oil on wood
MASTERPIECE #507 Massimo Stanzione, Italian Judith With the Head of Holofernes (Wondering If She Needs A Lawyer), 1630 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #506 William Holman Hunt, English Mary And Her Little Lamb: The High School Years, 1851 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #505 Friedrich Overbeck, German Portrait of the Artist in His Mother’s Clothes, 1810 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #503 Georges de La Tour, French Young Black Belt About to Wake Up Grandpa, 1628 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #500 Frederic Bazille, French Reaction to Party Guest Arriving With a Hooker, 1850 Oil on canvas