MASTERPIECE #2464 Constantin Hansen, Danish “Dude, What’s the Deal? I Thought You Said There’d Be Hookers Here,” Between 1860-64 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2437 Georg Schwer, German When the Job Posting Said You Could “Make a Bundle,” This Wasn’t Exactly What Erin Had In Mind, 1860 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2434 Friedrich Eduard Meyerheim, German Alexis Knew Her Gymnastics Career Was Over If She Grew Taller Than 5’2″, and At This Point She Was Willing To Try Anything, 1849 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2414 Johann Peter Hasenclever, German Empirical Proof That Yawning Is Contagious, 1845 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2355 George Henry Boughton, English An Excellent Way To Get a Sledgehammer in the Nuts, 1878 Oil on canvas