MASTERPIECE #1031 Karoly Ferenczy, Hungarian Bullies Awaiting Arrival of the 7:30 Ferry From Scrawnytown, 1890 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1021 Alfred Stevens, Belgian Mother and Daughter Arriving a Bit Overdressed for the Chuck E. Cheese Birthday Party, 1886 Pastel
MASTERPIECE #1020 John William Waterhouse, English So THAT’S Where All My Oxycontin Went, 1879 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1014 Benjamin West, Anglo-American Jacob Healing Children With Gluten Allergies, 1768 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1012 William-Adolphe Bouguereau, French Ashley, the Illegitimate Daughter George Clooney Refuses to Acknowledge, 1875 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #975 Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky, Russian Sochi Schoolchildren Waiting to Play “Trip the American Downhill Skier,” 1918Oil on canvas