MASTERPIECE #1411 Aert de Gelder, Dutch Angel, Totally Tempted to Draw a Penis on This Dude’s Face Right Now, ca. 1700 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1410 Franz von Defregger, Austrian Leprechaun Asking Woman if She’d Like to Get Lucky, 1881 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1403 Pierre-Auguste Renoir, French A TMZ Exclusive: The Hotel Peephole Video Erin Andrews Doesn’t Want You To See!, 1895 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1401 Antonio Gisbert, Spanish Spanish Prisoner Refusing to Apologize for Calling Queen Elizabeth a Butterface, 1860 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1397 Ferdinand Bol, Dutch “I Swear, Mom — Harass Me One More Time About Giving You a Grandchild and I WILL Cut You,” 1644 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1385 Edmund Blair Leighton, English That Creepy Ribbon Seller With the Hole in the Bottom of His Basket, 1902 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1381 Edmund Blair Leighton, English“Next Up, It’s a Boy King in Mint Condition, the Perfect Addition to Any Realm. Do I Hear Ten Shillings?,” 1904 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1370 William Holman Hunt, English Husband Coming Home Too Drunk to Remember the Alarm Code, 1895 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1362 Edward Robert Hughes, English Debbie, Pulling the Old “Steal Their Clothes While They’re Skinny-Dipping” Prank, 1898 Watercolor on paper
A PRICELESS HOLIDAY CLASSIC (2010) Stanislaw Chlebowski, Polish The Third Wise Man, Detained by Authorities for Myrrh Trafficking, 1878 Oil on canvas