THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #1953 (5/16/18) August Knoop, German Mortimer Had the Annoying Habit of Refusing To Look at His Cards Until After He’d Tried To Read Them Telepathically, 1894 Oil on wood
THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #2090 (11/29/18) Luc-Olivier Merson, French Within Seconds of Assuming the Upward-Facing Dog Pose, Kyle Realized He Had Badly Misjudged the Audience For His Naked Yoga Demonstration, 1869 Oil on canvas
THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #2337 (11/26/19) John George Brown, American Nellie, About To Find Out If She’s Made Weight For This Year’s Quilting Bee, 1883 Oil on canvas
THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #1991 (7/9/18) Leon Wyczólkowski, Polish-RussianWhen He Found Out His Action Figures Would Have Been 10 Times More Valuable If He’d Left Them in Their Boxes, Jerry Felt Like a Fool, 1898 Oil on canvas
THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #2326 (11/11/19) Gustave Caillebotte, French Edward Was Excited About His New Oak Pool Table, Though He Hadn’t Expected It To Arrive Unfinished, ca. 1875 Oil on canvas
THROWBACK THURSDAY: #865 (8/6/12) Louis Leopold Boilly, French Not What I Thought You Meant When You Said You Were Inviting Some Chicks Over For a Pool Party, 1807 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2354 Cassius Marcellus Coolidge, American In Retrospect, Maybe Buster SHOULDN’T Have Mentioned He Was Excited About Seeing “Cats,” 1903 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2310 Henry Stacy Marks, English The Moment He Opened the Box, Gregory Knew He’d Found Something Special. No, This Was Not Just Another Pretty Vase, 1877 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2214 Henri Bource, Belgian “Hey, I Know What’ll Cheer You Up. Why Don’t You Come With Me To Pole Dancing Class This Week?,” 1883 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2196 Wilhelm Trübner, German In Case You Were Wondering Where the Pieces for Jenga Come From, 1876 Oil on canvas