THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #1925 (4/5/18) Juana Romani, Italian Not Only Was the Cone Unattractive, Bridget Found It Insulting That Her Doctor Thought She Might Lick Her Stitches, 1892 Oil on panel
THROWBACK THURSDAY: #639 (8/15/11) Agustin Arrieta, Mexican Mother Serving Her Famous Roast Turkey with Toothpaste Globs, 1833 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2293 Hugh Cameron, Scottish Unfortunately Molly Realized a Split-Second Too Late That the “Face-Washing Bowl” She’d Found Was Actually Grandmother’s Chamber Pot, 1870 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2286 Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, FrenchSir Reginald, With That Weird Face He Always Makes When He’s Peeing in His Suit of Armor, ca. 1868-1870 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2243 Max Gaisser, German “…and Finally, Gentlemen, I Have THIS Extraordinary Piece, Acquired From an ER Nurse, Whose Patient Had Kept It in a Most Unusual Location,” 1889 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1916 Frithjof Smith Hald, Norwegian Though Their Cat Fluffy Had Coughed Up Hairballs Before, the Millers Thought They Should Probably Get This One Checked Out By the Vet, 1892 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1417 Salomon Koninck, Dutch Scholar Finding Piece of Thursday’s Breakfast Burrito in Beard, 1649 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1313 Jose Casado del Alisal, Spanish “I Apologize, Sire. Housekeeping Assured Me the Room Was Ready,” 1880 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1166 Pieter de Hooch, Dutch Servant At the Ready With Her Mistress’s Puke Bucket, 1660 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1164 John Maler Collier, English Portrait of Woman With Large Intestine, 1930 Oil on canvas