MASTERPIECE #1944 Rafael Frederico, Brazilian Doug Was Confused By His Doctor’s Reaction. Was This NOT How One Dressed For an Eye Exam?, 1893 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1904 Paul Gauguin, French Wendy Discovered She Could Save a Fortune on Laundry Detergent By Making Each Day’s Clothing From Scratch, 1880 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1883 Jacob Ferdinand Voet, FlemishKyle McDonald, America’s Best Hope For Gold in Men’s Curling, Before 1689 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1878 Artist Unknown Sure, Her Office’s Super Bowl Bash Wasn’t Technically a Costume Party, But Melissa Couldn’t Resist, 16th century Oil on panel
MASTERPIECE #1815 Jehan Georges Vibert, French Wondering If It’s a Faux Pas To Wear Pumpkin After Halloween, Before 1870 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1792 Walter Crane, British “Yo Babe, Why the Attitude? Your Tinder Profile Says You Love Picnics and Guys Who Can Pull Off Knee-High Boots,” 1863 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1770 Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg, Danish Study of a Nude Wondering What Zappos’ Return Policy Is, 1843 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1768 Francesco Hayez, ItalianAs He Struggled To Reach For His Wallet, Phil Was Forced To Admit He’d Put His Toga On Wrong, 1844 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1763 Vilém Kandler, Czech “Are You Sure Tights Are the Right Look For This? You Know I Hate My Calves,” 1841 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1759 Artist Unknown King Christian VIII of Denmark, Rocking the Royal Short Shorts, 1840 Engraving