THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #2257 (8/5/19) Franz von Lenbach, GermanPortrait of the Robertsons, That Creepy Family That Never Blinks, 1903 Oil on cardboard
THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #1854 (12/25/17) James Clark, English “Merry Christmas, Everyone! I Made My Special Unidentifiable Brown Thing. Dig In!,” 1902 Oil on canvas
THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #1848 (12/18/17) Eduard Kurzbauer, Austrian “Yes, Fred, In Retrospect She Probably Should’ve Said ‘Spoiler Alert,’ But We Naturally Assumed You’d Already Seen the New ‘Star Wars’ Movie,” 1874 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2542 Paul Gauguin, French “Begging Your Pardon, Folks, But It Would Make My Job a Lot Easier If You Would Kindly Face in THIS Direction,” 1889 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2358 August Heyn, German “All the Kids at School Say I Don’t Really Exist and That We’re All Just Characters in One of Og Isstane’s Minor Works. Who’s Og Isstane?,” Date Unknown Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2222 Friedrich Ritter von Friedländer-Malheim, Bohemian-Austrian The Johnsons Couldn’t Wait To Try Out Their New Virtual Grandpaâ„¢, If Only They Could Figure Out Where To Put the Batteries, 1882 Oil on panel
MASTERPIECE #2131 Thomas Faed, Scottish The Dennison Family, Getting Portrait-Bombed By Some Dude in the Forest, 1851 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2049 Kamal-ol-molk, Iranian The Old Family Photo F. Murray Abraham Just Found on, 1886 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2021 Pierre-Auguste Renoir, French Camille Monet and Son, Going a Little Nuts With the Sunblock, 1874 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1819 David Bles, Dutch The Answer To The Question: What If An Entire Family Had ADD?, 1869 Oil on oak panel