MASTERPIECE #2195 Hans Thoma, German Sunday Mornings at Günter and Helga’s Tended To Get a Little Crazy After They Got a Few Drinks in Them, 1876 Oil on canvas
A PRICELESS HOLIDAY CLASSIC (2015) Anders Zorn, Swedish Uncle Wilbur, Just Drunk Enough to Say Something Racist, 1892 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2063 Bartolome Esteban Murillo, Spanish “Oh No, We’re Not Dating. We’re Just Getting Together for a Drink,” 1652 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2032 Carl Larsson, Swedish “Just My Luck,” Thought Linda. “The Moment I Reach For the Scotch, the Foster Care Caseworker Shows Up For My Evaluation,” 1901 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1990 Margaret Deborah Cookesley, English Caroline’s Main Problem With Playing Solitaire Was That She Wasn’t a Very Good Loser, 1897 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1988 Lovis Corinth, German Why I Stopped Serving Booze at My 4th of July Barbecues, 1896 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1972 Philipp Sporrer, German Man Getting Mugshot Taken For His HDCDUI (Horse-Drawn Carriage Driving Under the Influence), 1870 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1863 Hans Heyerdahl, Norwegian You Had To Give Kristin Credit. That Was Certainly ONE Way To Make Sure People Paid Attention To Her Wedding Toast, 1882 Oil on wood board
MASTERPIECE #1816 Friedrich Ritter von Friedländer-Malheim, Bohemian-Austrian “Oh, What the Hell. Let’s Have Another Round. We’re All Ubering Anyway,”Before 1901 Oil on panel
MASTERPIECE #1787 Hendrik Frans Schaefels, Belgian “Hey, You Know What I Just Realized? If We Start a Family Now, Our Child Will Graduate From Rehab the Same Year as Kylie Jenner’s Kid,” 1863 Oil on panel