MASTERPIECE #1376 Eugene de Blaas, Italian Pick-Up Artist Suddenly Regretting Having Those Garlic Fries at Lunch, 1889 Oil on panel
A PRICELESS HOLIDAY CLASSIC (2010) Niko Pirosmanashvili, Georgian Happy Holidays from the Stalin Quintuplets, 1909 Oil on oilcloth
MASTERPIECE #1351 Ilya Repin, Russian “Stop, You Idiot! I Need That Thing for the Turkey!,” 1890 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1346 Edgar Degas, French Me For About an Hour After Eating a Hot Pocket, 1886 Pastel on cardboard
MASTERPIECE #1321 George Wright, American Awkward Timing for “Brunch With the Captain” on the Titanic, 1882 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1307 Walter Dendy Sadler, EnglishBunch of Priests Running Up the Pope’s Credit Card at the Vatican City Red Lobster Last Night, 1882 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1216 Anne Francois Louis Janmot, French “Yeah, I Thought Those Berries Looked a Little Iffy. I’ll Go Get You Something to Barf In,” 1854 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1180 John Maler Collier, English Waitresses On A Break At Arapa-Hooters, 1883 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #1118 Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin, French Annoyed Housewife Searching Recipes for Something Quick You Can Make With Parakeet, 1750 Oil on canvas