MASTERPIECE #589 Titian, Italian Adonis Realizing Venus is Starting to Get a Little Clingy, 1553 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #576 Quentin Metsys, Flemish Woman Pretending to Give a Rat’s A$% About Husband’s Stupid Coin Collection, 1514 Oil on wood
MASTERPIECE #103 Edmund Blair Leighton, English Sir Galahad Being Reminded to Pick Up Some 2% While He’s Out, 1900 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #557 Meister des Halepagen-Altars, German Couple at Learning Annex “You Can Learn to Clap!” Seminar, 1500 Oil on wood
MASTERPIECE #538 Jan Steen, Dutch Woman Asking Husband For Hall Pass With Court Jester, 1661 Oil on oak panel
MASTERPIECE #526 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French Lucy Cheating on Desi with Charlie Chaplin (The Little Tramp), 1891 Oil and gouache on cardboard
MASTERPIECE #517 Hans Baldung, German Wife Discovers Miracle Cure for Husband’s Snoring, 1530 Oil on wood