MASTERPIECE #2430 Johann Erdmann Hummel, German “Back Off, B*tch. You’re Stepping On My Solo,” Date Unknown Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2426 Joseph Karl Stieler, German Beethoven Trying To Decide Whether To Go With “Ba-Ba-Ba-BUM” or “Bow-Chicka-Bow-Wow,” 1820 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2347 John George Brown, American After Humping His Harp To Their 14th Street Corner of the Day, Elliot Wondered If It Was Too Late To Take Up the Kazoo, 1874 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2344 Thomas Wilmer Dewing, American Paganini’s Less-Famous Cousin, Paga-na-na’s, 1877 Oil on panel
MASTERPIECE #2288 Edgar Degas, French The Cover of This Month’s Issue of “Bassoon Aficionado,” ca. 1870 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2267 René-Xavier Prinet, French Playing Bach’s Sonata For Violin, Piano, and Condom, 1901 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2161 Auguste Alexandre Hirsch, French “Sorry. I’d Let You Play It, But I Don’t Think I Could Survive Having My Harp Broken Again,” 1865 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2080 Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, FrenchMichelle Couldn’t Help But Wonder Whether She’d Get Better Results If She Painted With a Brush Instead of Her Mandolin, ca. 1865-73 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2046 Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson, French That Time Beethoven’s Mom Forgot To Pick Him Up From Violin Practice, 1800 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2024 Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, British Musicians Descending a Staircase (One of Whom Just Dropped Her Kazoo), 1880 Oil on canvas