THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #2311 (10/20/19) John George Brown, American “…But Luckily, the Captain Had a Spare Pair of Pants My Size. Anyway, Long Story Short, That’s How It Became Known As the ‘Poop’ Deck,” 1883 Oil on canvas
THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #1503 (7/29/16) Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French Rookie Veterinarian Attempting to Retrieve His Wristwatch, 1881 Oil on cardboard
THROWBACK THURSDAY: MASTERPIECE #2341 (12/3/19) Jules Scalbert, French Had He Been a True Gentleman, Ned Would’ve Warned Jenna That He’d Just Peed in That Spot, Date Unknown Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2596 Victor Schivert, Romanian “Hey, Did You Hear the One About the Constipated Moneylender? He Couldn’t Budget, So He Had To Work It Out With a Pencil,” ca. 1895 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2595 Cesar van Everdingen, Dutch Though Everyone Tried To Act Normal, Things Got Uncomfortable Whenever Doug Conducted Meetings From the Toilet, ca. 1661 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2516 Lucien-Étienne Mélingue, French “Would You Mind Terribly If We Used Your Restroom? I Swear We’ll Be Quick,” 1874 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2457 Adolph von Menzel, German When You’re Supposed To Be Marching With the Rest of the Knights But You Really Have To Pee, 1866 Pencil, body color, heightened with brush and white, on brown paper
MASTERPIECE #2448 Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier, French The “Little General,” Looking a “Little Gassy,” 1862 Oil on panel
MASTERPIECE #2415 Artist Unknown After Three Hours of Posing, Jerry Desperately Needed a Pee Break, But Was Too Embarrassed To Ask, 1844 Oil on canvas
MASTERPIECE #2375 Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, English “Wait — Now I Can’t Remember. Does the Toilet Paper Go OVER the Roll Or UNDER It?,” 1823 Oil on paper