Paul Fischer, Danish
“You Can Keep Searching Out There All Day, But Let’s Face It. Your Bikini Belongs To That Dolphin Now,” Date Unknown
Oil on canvas
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Info about this artist is pointed to by my comment at another blog entry.
/// Gry and Runa sunbathe on this spot.
You may think Runa’s shy, but she’s not.
Like most Danes, she is pallid,
yet finds nudism valid.
But her boyfriend thinks tan lines are hot.
/// They’d brought gløgg to the beach and Gry drank it.
High tide captured the bottle and sank it
before Runa could share,
and she didn’t much care,
but she did want her half of the blanket.
/// Gry can swim, but is loath to go in,
joining two other bathers who’ve been
having fun, without doubt.
Trouble is, coming out
gritty sand clings to wet naked skin.
/// So Gry sits on her pale naked fanny
and reflects on how it is uncanny
that the sand has a knack
to go on the attack
and invade every nook and each cranny.
/// Gry’s dark musings have proven persuasive.
She’d avoid the sand; much too abrasive.
For an all-over tan
(which was loved by her man)
she won’t risk prickly grit that’s invasive.
/// Bathers on the Beach tell you they know
this whole shore by the name Falsterbo.
It’s an old Swedish town,
yet Danes seek its renown
as the best beaches nearby to go.