Luigi Crosio, Italian

“Oh Fine, Just Drop It Already. But Next Time Could You Please Buy a Stamp Like a NORMAL Secret Admirer?,” 1867

Oil on canvas

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18 days ago

Though most list his deathyear as 1915 instead of the actual 1916, info, or perhaps links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here, here, here, and here (can be read in full for free on Fridays), perhaps in addition to his Wikipedia page (Google translated German Wikipedia page has more).

Last edited 18 days ago by mabrndt
12 days ago

/// Though he never had seen, heard or met her,
every day he tossed down The Love Letter.
Standing close to the wall,
Mia watched his note fall,
and she’d catch it, (although she knew better).

/// Every missive, unsigned, had been written
to explain that he’s hopelessly smitten.
In these words from above
he professed ceaseless love
to “the Reader” whom he nicknamed “Kitten.”

/// What he wrote, though generic, was sweet—
with requests that at his place they’d meet.
Mia never went there,
because she’s well aware
he dropped notes o’er each fence on the street.

/// The next day Mia tried a new tack.
When he dropped his note, she threw one back
with a stone to add weight.
She proposed a blind date.
(He’d be blindfolded, tied in a sack.)

/// Mia thought it might be fun to try
to (in safety) have words with this guy.
In the alley out back
she found him in a sack.
He explained, “I was crude; now I’m shy.”

/// Had she thought of her plan in advance,
she might never have taken the chance,
but he can’t do much harm.
He’d just broken his arm
in a doorway with two girls in France.

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