William Verplanck Birney, American

“Oh Look, Pumpkin — There’s a Deer! And There’s Another Deer! And Now They’re…Um…Oh My…You Know What? Why Don’t You Go See If ‘Paw Patrol’ Is On?,” Date Unknown

Oil on canvas

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2 months ago

Info, or perhaps links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here (archived if necessary), here, here (if truncated, can be read in full for free on Fridays, here (except, he passed in 1909), and here. He current has no Wikipedia page in any language.

Last edited 2 months ago by mabrndt
1 month ago

/// When the weather turns dreary and damp,
Grampa’s rheumatiz’ makes his legs cramp.
That’s when young Becky Mae
takes A Break from Child’s Play
for some quality time with her Gramp.

/// Her toy hoop and stick lean on the wall,
though she’s still holding onto a doll.
Despite arthritic joints,
out the window Gramp points
at the Angel of Death come to call.

/// Becky Mae sees no one at the door,
but her Gramp has had visions before.
Once he told her he saw
Jesse James, the outlaw,
rising up like a ghost through the floor.

/// Should a man who’s not totally “there”
have this youngster left here in his care?
Becky’s hard-working Mama
knows her Dad creates drama,
but he’s loving and harmless— she’d swear.

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