Pierre-Auguste Renoir, French

He May Be Considered a Minor Artist, But I’m a Big Fan of Rembrat, 1907

Oil on canvas

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3 months ago

Info about this artist is pointed to by my comment and replies in another blog entry.

3 months ago

/// Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s youngest son
at his easel made paintings for fun.
His dad captured Claude, (Coco),
reinventing rococo;
it’s “a girl in a swing” that he’s done.

// Of course, Fragonard, back in the day,
took that theme from his teacher, Boucher.
A young girl in a swing
symbolizes a “fling,”
but does young Renoir know that? No way!

/// “Coco” concentrates, rapt and alert.
As the girl swings, the breeze flares her skirt.
Claude is too young to care
if she wears underwear,
but he’ll laugh if she falls and gets hurt.

/// Many times Coco’s elderly dad,
painted portraits of his lovely lad.
The red lips, long blond tresses
(tied with bows, like his dresses),
back in their time did not seem so bad.

/// Claude did not choose the painter’s profession
when he grew up. (Père made an impression.)
He saw pictures improved—
because these pictures moved.
Film was Claude’s next artistic expression.

/// The conclusion is far from forgone
that great painters will have painter spawn.
Claude’s creative vent is
in the French movie biz,
(like his more famous big brother Jean).

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