Richard Bergh, Swedish
“No, It’s Not a Coma. This Happens Every Time She Accidentally Puts Her Vibrator in Ludicrous Mode,” 1887
Oil on canvas
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Info, or links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here (archived if necessary), here, here, here (can be read in full for free on Fridays), here, and here (Google translated), perhaps in addition to what’s in his Wikipedia page (Google translated Swedish Wikipedia page has more).
Perhaps more info can be found here (Google translated).
/// Anton’s “patient” is stiff and robotic.
He’s conducting a séance hypnotic.
He can contact, (he boasts),
via mind-control— ghosts,
though the mesmerized may turn psychotic.
/// They are hoping to speak to a spook,
but at times, through an unlucky fluke
Anton’s hypnotized guest
is by demons possessed.
Sheets protect couch and chairs, should she puke.
/// Now that Greta is under his spell,
she is “sent” to where spirit guides dwell.
Greta’s sister and brothers
wish to learn of their mother’s
lover’s name, (which she never would tell).
/// Anton “sends her soul back” generations
to some former past life incarnations.
What’s the real explanation?
Greta’s imagination,
primed to fill Anton’s great expectations.
/// Still no ghosts. Anton tells the group why.
They must leave, because spirits are shy.
Then he makes post-hypnotic
suggestions erotic.
“When my fingers snap, you will comply!”
/// It was fortunate Greta awoke
before Anton’s lewd orders were spoke.
Still, for what he’d suggested
the teen had him arrested.
His defense? “Can’t you guys take a joke?”
/// Greta’s siblings still wanted to learn
who had fathered them all, so they turn
to a sleuth to discover
dear departed Mom’s lover.
There were very few clues to discern.
/// The detective was no paragon,
and yet nonetheless he carried on.
He found letters written
to their Mom (“Dearest Kitten”)
from a hypnotist known as Anton!!!
/// Yes, this story’s obscene, also sad.
Anton preyed on young girls— really bad.
When poor Greta he eyed
then to “poke” her, he’d tried,
Never knowing that he was her Dad!
/// But his hypnotic spell didn’t take,
and fate ruled that his daughter would wake.
His attack was deterred
and no incest occurred.
He’s in prison, befitting this snake.