Nicolas Poussin, French

Tonight! On “Kids Suckle the Darndest Things,” mid-1630s

Oil on canvas

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2 years ago

Info, or links that point to more info, about the teaching artist can be found here, here (can be read in full for free on Fridays), here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here, perhaps in addition to what's in his Wikipedia page (Google translated Macedonian Wikipedia page has more).

1 year ago

/// All the children of Saturn were cursed,
to be eaten by Pop (he’s the worst).
Baby Jove hid on Crete,
but a kid’s got to eat,
so on goat’s milk young Jupiter nursed.

/// There were nymphs watching over the god,
but they didn’t find goat-suckling odd.
Not a one of the rest
offered her naked breast.
“Are you crazy? And ruin my bod?”

/// When the nanny goat started to bleat,
one nymph held a tight grip on her feet.
But the goat didn’t fight;
she knew Jove wouldn’t bite.
Besides, all her kids toughened the teat.

/// Yet another nymph, Io, was sunny.
Gown and hair were both gold, like coin money.
To help Jupiter thrive
she approached a bee hive
and procured for him sweet golden honey.

/// By mistake once, a male from the pack
came to Jove, despite his udder lack.
In a while the parched lad,
(with no milk to be had),
sent him off, but the goat came right back.

/// The nude shepherd had rested his crook
to grasp horns while the young god partook.
The milk Nanny produces
is but one of her uses.
(He would use her tonight, by the brook.)

/// In the myths Amalthea’s the name
of that she-goat of god-nursing fame.
The shepherd’s incursion
was not a perversion,
because most of the gods did the same.

/// Transformed into a bull, horse or swan,
with a mortal they’d oft “get it on.”
If the shepherd she’d spurned,
would Jove ever have learned
how to pull off his “beastial” con?

/// When the godling’s goat-nursemaid would trot
far away from the still thirsty tot,
he chased after the nanny
and got kicked in the fanny.
That’s how Jupiter got his red spot.

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