Andrew Benjamin Kennedy, American

Wishing Ewes and Yours a Happy Nude Year, 1933

Oil on canvas on board

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1 year ago

/// Weary Red Head Nude Woman can’t sleep.
Stopped at “three” when she tried counting sheep.
Her pet Lamb wouldn’t injure
this most Sensual ginger,
who is best known as “Little Bo Peep.”

/// She can’t locate the rest of the flock.
so she sits, holding onto a rock.
Could it be she’s been had
by that suave shepherd lad,
who removed both her crook and her frock?

/// Bo is known for her beauty and wit,
and the sensual shape of… she’s fit.
Though her sheep often roam,
given time they come home.
Now, if only she knew how to knit.

/// Bo had asked the suave lad what their night meant,
(hoping not to sound like an indictment).
As up, he was pullin’
her frock— which was woolen—
he then answered Bo Peep, “Shear excitement.”

/// Bo Peep’s frock disappeared with her flock.
To the shepherdess, this was a shock.
The ram-paging herdsman
was also a wordsman.
He had rendered her naked with talk.

/// When the shepherd’s attentions had ceased,
Bo’s smooth brow became quizzically creased.
Had she called for a priest,
or the heath been policed,
she would not of her clothing been fleeced.

/// Bo Peep knew for a ewe to get “lambed,”
it must first get repeatedly rammed.
She was fully at ease
with the birds and the bees,
but for him to “ewes” her? She’d be damned!

/// The sly shepherd did not give a damn,
to be known for his “flim” and his “flam.”
He first pulled off his scam,
then was careful to scram.
He is taking it, now, on the lam.

1 year ago

// Ancient Greece, where the gods could be bad,
and, with lust, drive a shepherd girl mad.
Zeus came down from the skies
in a sheepskin disguise.
That’s how Mary, a little lamb, had.

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