Louis-LĂ©opold Boilly, French

“Hi, I’m Julie and I’ll Be Your Harpist This Evening. Can I Get You Folks Started With Some Van Halen?,” ca. 1805

Oil on canvas

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dallas george
3 years ago

Why, yes. Yes, you may. Could we hear some Panama perhaps?

3 years ago

So that's what Drella from the first season of Gilmore Girls is up to nowadays…

3 months ago

Info about this artist is pointed to by my comment and reply at another blog entry.

3 months ago

/// Angélique’s name had fueled her desire
to learn playing the harp and the lyre.
She’d dress only in white
and dreamed one day she might
take her place in the heavenly choir.

/// Her demeanor was godly and meek,
never raising her voice when she’d speak.
And her knees would grow weak
when men asked Angélique
If she’d show them her fingering technique.

/// All such double entendres ignored;
all her thoughts were of serving the Lord.
Then one day she felt rapture—
ruptured digits to capture
the elusive, exalted lost chord.

/// Her heavenly goal wouldn’t soften.
After death Angélique fled her coffin.
“Awoke” somewhere she prayed
Divine chords would be played,
but she’d harped on that theme far too often.

/// In a dark, steamy corner of space,
the smile slowly left Angélique’s face.
Told, “No harps here for you,
take this didgeridoo.”
She had gone to the “down under” place.

/// Now, “down under” can mean several things.
She had hoped to earn halo and wings.
Fear and panic are sharp;
there’s no sign of a harp.
There are harpies (but no attached strings).

/// Here’s the moral: If heaven’s your goal,
you must nurture and tend to your soul.
Demonstrate you have worth
helping others on Earth.
Without good works do not self-extol.

3 months ago

/// In the Empire style Josephine’s dressed,
with her waistline pushed up to mid-breast.
A thin red ribbon girds
Josie’s ribs and no words
can explain how it flattened her chest.

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