Eugène Delacroix, French

“Excusez-Moi, Messieurs. Mes Yeux Sont Là En Haut,” 1830

Oil on canvas

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3 years ago

What is Abraham Lincoln doing in the panting? I didn't go to any of the links above, just wondering.

3 years ago

Info, or links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here (can be read in full for free on Fridays), here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here (the fourth of which may be unresponsive), perhaps in addition to what's in his Wikipedia page (Google translated French Wikipedia page has more).

1 year ago

/// They charged down the battle-torn street
the dying and dead at their feet.
Marianne lead the way,
then she turned ‘round to say:
“D’you think that my garb’s indiscreet?”

/// One might ask why a topless coquette
is the one with a sharp bayonet.
The men brag of their “length”
and equate it with strength.
Now HER musket’s the longest one yet.

/// With the Tricolor held in the air
she epitomized her nom de guerre,
“Liberté” was the name
with which she would win fame;
Charles the tenth left his throne in despair.

/// With her comrades they toppled a King,
and all France their high praises would sing.
The kid, “Egalité,”
top-hat, “Fraternité,”
and the “Lib” who made topless “a thing.”

/// Folks in France are most likely amused
by the fact that we Yanks are confused
by which coup d’état is
Robespierre, which “Les Miz.”
Of this denseness let’s be disabused.

/// Today’s painting (which some think is dirty),
shows events of July 1830,
while the Jacobin war
came four decades before.
Please forgive me for being so nerdy.

/// As for la Commune de Paris,
(not by Delacroix, we can agree),
that came forty years past,
and would help with, at last,
the rise of the French bourgeoisie.

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