Johann Jacob Mezler, German

Why the Next Time You Get Shot By Cupid’s Arrow You Might Want To Get an Antibiotic, 1834

Oil on panel

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3 years ago

Contrary to what the here link says, the artist died at age thirty-five, not thirty-six. Google currently also mistranslates his German Wikipedia page the same way (why I used Bing in this instance).

3 years ago

Info, or links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here, perhaps in addition to what's in his Bing translated German Wikipedia page.

1 year ago

/// They say whetstones are best used when wet.
Giving arrows the sharpest tips yet.
But take it from me,
if the moisture is pee,
when you’re shot, love is not what you’ll get.

/// The four flew down from Heaven above
to accomplish this “labor of love,”
Two turned the stone whetter,
the third (a bed-wetter),
used his skill-set, when push came to shove.

/// Love is blushes and crushes and winks,
and sweet kisses from misses, methinks.
But when Cupid plays tricks,
number one’s in the mix;
that’s why every so often, love stinks!

/// For as long as this world has revolved,
a deep mystery hasn’t been solved.
Is human affection
a mental connection,
or is chemistry somehow involved?

/// Tests were done on a guy in a Speedo
as he ogled hot babes on the Lido.
When the eggheads we’re done
they’d found Chemistry won!
Uric acid’s the source of libido.

1 year ago

“Ce-ment mixer, putti, putti…”

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