Robert Hannah, British

“I Think I’ll Tryyyyyyyy Defiiiiiiining Gravity…” Early 1850s

Oil on canvas

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3 months ago

Not much is known about his life; but, the sparse info I found about this artist can be found here, here, and here. He currently has no Wikipedia page in any language.

Last edited 3 months ago by mabrndt
3 months ago

/// Isaac Newton observes apples falling;
puzzling why they do so is enthralling.
The gravity of
a fruit’s plunge from above
sets in motion new Physics that’s sprawling.

/// In his garden at Woolsthorpe he sits,
utilizing perception and wits.
Isaac views the tree’s loss,
not as mere apple sauce.
He’s inspired. (Ignorance is the pits!)

/// We have read that this fruit sparked the notion
that inspired Newton’s Three Laws of Motion.
Isaac’s body’s at rest,
but his mind has a quest:
Maths and Physics will get his devotion.

/// “Hmmm. The apple responds to a pull
from the Earth’s greater mass. My head’s full
of equations to test,
but my Mom’s not impressed.
She’s devout and thinks science is bull.”

/// Until Newton most people believe
talk of “apple” and “falling” means “Eve.”
The knowledge that came
from forbidden fruit? Tame
next to Laws his great brain could conceive.

3 months ago

/// Calculus (on one’s teeth) just means tartar,
but it means something more if you’re smarter.
Leibniz and Newton (“Ike”)—
great minds who thought alike—
independently each “caught the garter.”

/// This did not men the next man to wed,
but each “married” stray thoughts in his head.
As their concepts combined,
Newton and Leibniz find
both birthed calculus, (twice born and bred).

/// When enough new ideas have amassed,
and a few months to mine them have passed,
then the timing is ripe
for a breakthrough to hype.
Who gets published? The one who writes fast.

/// The first person who thought it or said it,
isn’t always the one who gets credit.
Reasons can be obscure,
but the practical cure
is to not restrict fame, but to spread it.

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