Dominique Papety, French

“He Loves Me, But Just Doesn’t Feel Ready To Make a Commitment…He Loves Me, But Just Doesn’t Feel Ready To Make a Commitment NOT. He Loves Me…,” 1848

Oil on oak wood

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6 days ago

Info, or perhaps links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here, here (archived, if necessary), here, here (can be read in full for free on Fridays), and here (Google translated, if necessary), perhaps in addition to what’s in his Wikipedia page (Google translated French Wikipedia page has more).

Last edited 6 days ago by mabrndt
4 days ago

/// “Here, A French Peasant Girl, Marguerite,
plucks a daisy that grew at her feet.
She is too superstitious.
Will it grant her her wishes?
Hopes it tells her “You’re NOT indiscreet.”

/// She is barefoot— perhaps pregnant, too?
And, if so, has she let it slip who?
It’s the landowner’s son.
(There are three, so which one?)
Should she ask for a new shoe or two?

/// Marguerite had a scheme for success;
lifted up and tucked in her brown dress
in the front, to expose
her thin, sheer underclothes.
(Advertisement and easy access.)

/// Still unmarried and childless at thirty,
Marguerite knew that just being flirty
would not win her a man.
So she does what she can.
Both her knees are consistently dirty.

/// Trouble is, the girl’s goal is too high.
She is desperate to marry some guy.
Her life as a poor peasant
with six sisters— not pleasant.
Hones her skills. Meets demand with supply.

/// The rich landowner’s sons can’t agree
if she’s pregnant by one of the three.
They are all kind of sweet
on adept Marguerite,
but her rep… she’s got too much esprit.

/// When she’s sure there’s a baby inside,
she’s determined a Dad to provide.
Which rich lover to wed…
(or take all three to bed)?
She will let a plucked daisy decide.

4 days ago

/// If she worries about the cruel fate
of a daisy deflowered— too late!
It was fatally hurt
when first pulled from the dirt;
petal plucking will just desecrate.

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