Pierre Outin, French

“Would You Please Excuse Us, Little Lady? Your Aunt and I Would Like To Make Like My Oompa-Loompas and Get Busy,” Date Unknown

Oil on canvas

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28 days ago

Info, or perhaps links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here (archived, if necessary), here, here, and here, perhaps in addition to what’s in his French Wikipedia page (Google translated, if necessary, Google translated Russian Wikipedia page has more).

Last edited 28 days ago by mabrndt
26 days ago

/// Blaise is here to pursue The Flirtation,
but he’s fearful for his reputation.
His crush isn’t alone;
she has a “chaperone”
who keeps him under close observation.

/// “I’m a Secret Admirer,” he’d say.
Keeping secrets to steer folks away
from the truth of his quest.
For the girl he loves best
is the child— her Mom’s just in the way!

/// Lita’s mother sensed something was wrong
with this suitor who came on too strong.
A young widow, her yen
was to marry again,
but Blaise gazed at her daughter too long.

/// It was fortunate Lita had no
inclination to have an old beau.
She detested the smile
of this vile pedophile
and when he came around she would go.

/// Girls who dally with men should be older,
(though “young” can depend on the beholder).
In most sane people’s eyes
she should be woman-size
and mature before guys can enfold her.

/// Had there been any cause to suspect
Blaise, her uncles had vowed to protect
their young niece from all harm.
If she raised an alarm
they’d take some of his parts to dissect.

/// Blaise craved Lita, but didn’t assault her;
Mother’s presence would cause him to falter.
We should give thanks, at least
he would not be a priest—
(only young boys assist at the altar).

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