Raffaello Sorbi, Italian

“Sorry Sir, We Didn’t Know There’d Be a Man in the Audience. Now We’ll Sing It Again As ‘Brown-Eyed Guy,'” Date Unknown

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2 months ago

Info, or perhaps links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here (archived if necessary), here, here (can be read in full for free on Fridays), here (Google translated, if necessary), and here (Google translated, if necessary), perhaps in addition to what’s in his Wikipedia page.

Last edited 2 months ago by mabrndt
2 months ago

/// Siblings listened to The Serenade
wond’ring, “Is it for me that he played?”
Two men on violin
while a lone mandolin
sang sweet love songs which passion conveyed.

/// Youngest child holds her hands to her ears.
Elder sisters are all smiles and cheers,
and their brother locks eyes
with the one of these guys
who excites all his longing and fears.

/// Three musicians and three women there.
Might each girl soon be part of a pair?
There is reason for doubt;
the odd men (not yet) out.
None in town would approve their affair.

/// Papa looks at these three men, content.
Should they ask for his girls, he’d consent.
He smiles, clutching a basket,
but he’d ready a casket
if he learned of his only son’s bent.

/// For such men in this time and this place,
seeking true love would lead to disgrace.
The solution’s appalling.
He’ll “discover” his calling:
as a priest feel the church’s embrace.

/// Their pet dog has concerns of his own.
He just dug up a long-buried bone.
If he humps some man’s leg,
he need not cringe or beg,
he’d have nothing for which to atone.

/// People easily cut their pets slack,
for behavior in men they’d attack.
Things in nature occur
which some people would slur
as “unnatural,” evil and wack.

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