Laurits Andersen Ring, Danish

“I Probably Should’ve Mentioned This Before You Started Last Week, But I’m Now Thinking We Should Do Aluminum Siding Instead,” 1908

Oil on canvas

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Call me Ishmael
Call me Ishmael
3 months ago

I’m sorry, lady, but I’m gonna need another $10,000 up front for supplies.

3 months ago

Artist info is pointed to by my comment at a prior blog entry.

3 months ago

/// Ane leans through the window to ask
when Per Nilen will finish the task.
He’s Whitewashing the Old
House to cover up mold.
Per’s reply, “When you’ve refilled my flask.”

/// Many parts of the old house need mending.
Walls are crooked and warped wood is bending.
Window panes partly patched,
and the roof must be thatched,
but there’s no extra cash to be spending.

/// They’ve seen harm Danish winters can bring.
The sun’s bright, but it isn’t yet Spring.
All the old hinges creak
and the roof has a leak.
Paid a pittance for posing by Ring.

/// Per, the handyman, helps Ane out,
though his payment for work is in doubt.
For free, whitewashed her walls
and some glass panes installs.
Aids his neighbor because he’s devout.

/// Per has done lots of work on her house.
He’s attracted, but shy as a mouse.
Ane knows how he feels,
but rejects all appeals.
He can’t whitewash the fact of his spouse.

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