Edgar Degas, French

From a Young Age, Giovanna Had Always Been More Successful Than Her Sister, Giuliana. Their Parents Blamed Giuliana’s Lack of Focus, 1865-66

Oil on canvas

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4 months ago

Artist info is pointed to by my comment and replies at another blog entry.

Last edited 4 months ago by mabrndt
4 months ago

/// Though they’re twins they work hard to express
how they’re different through lifestyle and dress.
One loves sun and fresh air,
and she bleaches her hair,
while her pale sister seems to fluoresce.

/// Years ago these two obstinate dames
chose to shorten their similar names.
Now they’re “Vanna” and “Jule.”
Declined trying to fool
their close friends playing “look-alike games.”

/// Neither one switched identities in
an attempt to be seen as her twin.
They each wish to be known
as unique, not a clone.
They viewed dressing alike as a sin.

/// Their one dream all their lives was to be
just a singleton, solo and free.
Then to be truly known
by a man of her own.
Their dream, sadly, they’d not live to see.

/// Jule tried blurring her face with a veil,
but these efforts were all doomed to fail.
Can’t give sister the slip;
they’re conjoined at the hip.
Never will be alone with a male.

4 months ago

/// Ambiguity’s nothing to fear.
Sharp details may not be wanted here.
The Bellelli girls’ pa,
(who commissioned Degas),
said, “Do not make things perfectly clear.”

– or –

/// I believe that what happened to her,
(an extremely rare thing to occur),
is acute facial itch
causes muscles to twitch.
Rapid movement is causing that blur.

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