Georges Rochegrosse, French

“I’m Going To Order Some Wine, Fifi. Can I Get You a Glass of Toilet Water? And Would You Prefer Flat or Sparkling?,” 1904

Oil on canvas

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10 months ago

Info, or links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here, here (archived if necessary), here, here (if truncated, can be read in full for free on Fridays), here, here, and here, perhaps in addition to what’s in his Wikipedia page (Google translated French Wikipedia page has more).

Joe Boyle
Joe Boyle
10 months ago

“Tell me, Fifi- who does your hair?”

10 months ago

/// Marie’s poodle has fur black as sable.
The two sit, side-by-side, at the table.
Georges, the man Marie wed,
shooed the dog from their bed,
now, to lick Georges’ plate, it is able.

/// George’s complained that in bed the dog drools,
and one time, ‘neath the sheets, he’d found stools.
Marie chose not to grouse.
Though Georges paid for this house,
in the dining room, she sets the rules.

/// For this painting, Georges liked the dog there,
near Marie’s ebon dress and black hair.
It’s a needed addition
to the work’s composition.
and contrasts with the shelved tableware.

/// There are so many objects displayed
on the table and walls, it dismayed
Georges, who feared he might fail
to portray such detail.
“They’re much harder to dust,” claimed the maid.

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