Gerard van Honthorst, Dutch

For Some Reason, Brandon Was Suddenly Having a Flashback To His Fraternity Initiation, Date Unknown

Oil on canvas

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1 year ago

Artist info is pointed to in my comment at another blog entry.

9 months ago

/// Don’t expect me to link what he sees
to that word oft preceded by “Deez…”
(Readers, please understand—
it’s no fun to be banned.)
From those strings dangles scamorza cheese.

/// But, then why did he lovingly handle
hanging cheese that’s lit up by his candle?
He dementedly leered
at some dairy? How weird!
And in plumed hat and toga— a scandal.

/// A fiasco’s the reason this punk
stares so fervently at that curd chunk.
The round bottle beside him,
(called “fiasco”), denied him
his senses; the guy’s stinkin’ drunk.

/// Hanging cheese that he sees is a totem
for what could get him jailed if he showed ‘em.
As he stares he recalls
being kicked in the brawls
and the injuries done to his scamorza.

9 months ago

/// “In my search,” said Diogenes, “I’m
seeking someone too honest for crime.
I will follow my plan
to find one honest man,
even if it’s one piece at a time.”

> or <

/// The response to his manic pursuit
of a date from young women is moot.
His best girl is his Mom,
and the date’s from a palm.
With his wine and cheese, Martin wants fruit.

> or <

/// Was it worth it, to pledge with his frat,
when odd memories flash back like that?
He recalls he was pickled
and how badly it tickled
when they made him squat nude on his hat.

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