Carl Vilhelm Meyer, Danish

Nude Man Seated on Park Bench Artist’s Model Explaining That He’s Given It More Thought and He’s Really Not Comfortable With the Whole Nudity Thing, 1919

Oil on canvas

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1 year ago

Info about this artist can be found here, here, and here (Google translated). He currently has no Wikipedia page.

9 months ago

/// He looks troubled, the Man at the Bench.
He’d made plans to meet here with a “wench.”
But, behind him’s a trench
which emits a vile stench
and is causing his nostrils to clench.

/// His sensations are strong and complex.
If he stays, he expects he’ll have sex.
Fibs to femmes get him far—
he pretends he’s a star:
“Mr. Harrison? Please… call me Rex.”

/// Now his rendezvous isn’t on time,
and that trench filled with feculent grime
isn’t helping his mood.
Will that girl he pursued
think he stinks? (Women have called him “slime.”)

/// Tired of waiting, the man turns to leave.
(If he stays, he’s afraid he will heave.)
Missed his chance to deceive
a teen, cute and naïve,
so he slinks down the path in a peeve.

/// There was wet paint on each narrow slat
of the park bench upon which he’d sat.
The stains ruined his pants.
Worse, when people would glance
at his prat, those stripes made it look fat.

/// This sour model I would not impugn,
(though his features are pinched and rough-hewn).
It’s quite clear he’s not jolly,
but, full-on melancholy?
He is Danish— the kind I’d call “prune.”

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