Follower of Pietro Fabris, Italian

It Was Hard To Say Who Deserved the Credit For Making the Spaghetti — Giuseppe, Luigi, or Marco. Because All Three Men Had a Hand In It, Date Unknown

Oil on canvas

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1 year ago

Info, or links that point to more info, about the named artist can be found here (archived if necessary), here, and here, perhaps in addition to what’s in his Wikipedia page (Google translated Italian Wikipedia page may have more).

10 months ago

/// Any man who’d steal pasta’s a meanie.
(If you’re hungry, go plant some zucchini.)
It just beggars belief
he’s called “Spaghetti Thief,”
when that platter contains bucatini.

/// It’s upsetting that they use their hands
picking up all these edible strands.
To use forks they resist,
(they can stab, but not twist).
Coiled-up pasta, not one understands.

/// Enzo joked that their food looked like worms.
Dangling from his mouth each noodle squirms.
He bit down; half he ate,
half fell back in the plate.
They share pasta and each others’ germs.

/// They were helped by the middle guy’s daughter.
(In the end, they were all glad he brought her.)
“Any moron can make
pasta!” No. Big mistake!
These men lit’rally couldn’t boil water!

/// Gorge before it’s all gone is their goal.
Open wide and shove food down the hole.
No one here can resist
feeding hand over fist,
and they’ve never tried portion control.

/// Make lasagne with pasta that’s wavy.
It tastes good with sauce (a.k.a. “gravy”).
The Italians would eat
sauces, some made with meat.
Marinara for those in the navy.

/// When in Sicily, never be rude.
Don’t imply that their manners are crude.
You’ll be safest if you
eat your meals as they do.
Soup and pasta are both finger-food.

/// These Sicilians lead dangerous lives.
They must keep men away from their wives.
Cooking pasta all day
leaves her no time to stray,
and men have other uses for knives.

10 months ago

/// You may think these men eat like barbarians,
but, in fact, they were all seminarians.
They planned this reunion
to take their communion:
FSM, Yahweh of Pastafarians.

/// Their religious beliefs may be petty,
and in full pirate gear they get sweaty.
They maintain that your God
is exactly as odd
as their Monster of Flying Spaghetti.

/// Seminarians eat and digest
their God’s body, and then they feel blessed.
What they long for, so much—
Pasta Diety’s touch.
By His noodly appendage caressed.

(Anyone unfamiliar with “The Flying Spaghetti Monster,”
god of the Pastafarians, may get some enjoyment from
Googling about it.)

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