Constantin Hansen, Danish

The Amazing Dmitri, X-Rated Ventriloquist, 1845

Oil on canvas

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1 year ago

Artist info is pointed to in my comment at another blog entry.

Call me Ishmael
Call me Ishmael
1 year ago

His hobbies are nudism and sculpture:/

He’s a fan of that old Grecian culture/

But in his near future/

He’ll need more than one suture/

To survive the visiting vulture.

Call me Ishmael
Call me Ishmael
1 year ago

Reply to Praise of folly and Bookworm:

The source of our pains and our aches/

And our numerous other mistakes/

Hangs not from a tree/

But rather from thee-/

So don’t lay the blame on the snakes!

9 months ago

/// Here Prometheus Molds Man from Clay.
Not Titanic; a smaller display.
If they stood toe-to-toe,
where the Man’s face would go
could be thought of as rather risqué.

/// Still, Prometheus isn’t quite bare.
O’er his right thigh, a cloth is draped there.
As he carves the Man’s shape
he adjusts the cloth’s drape
to be able, their forms, to compare.

/// This new creature, Man, is meant to be
for Prometheus, a ”mini-me.”
The Titan’s creation,
(half-scale replication),
takes self-love to a whole new degree.

/// Next, Prometheus carves with his knife
for the Man a companion and wife.
Later on that same day,
into his feat of clay,
wise Athena’s breath gives them both life.

/// That men thrive is the Titan’s desire.
For the cold they will have warm attire.
But in seasons of ice
chitons will not suffice,
so Prometheus steals for them fire.

/// I admit what I wrote was a lie.
Not the Titan, but Zeus from on high
caused the first human dame,
(and Pandora’s her name),
to be formed by Hephæstus. (Deep sigh!)

/// Please forgive me my Ancient Greek fib.
I’m aware that I’m sometimes too glib.
Let’s just say I misspoke
for the sake of a joke.
Just like Adam I love a good rib.

/// How did life begin; what’s the solution?
The most logical choice: Evolution.
Yet that doesn’t preclude
Supernatural Dude.
We may never have true resolution.

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