Walter Dendy Sadler, English
“Hey, It Turns Out My Mother Was Right. She’s Always Said That If I Went Out With You I’d Catch Something,” 1878
Oil on canvas
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Artist info is pointed to in my comment at a prior blog entry.
/// Annette hopes to makes Rodney her match.
By his side she is Netting the Catch.
She won’t play hard to get.
Fish with Rod and Annette
if you wish marine life to dispatch.
/// Going fishing she’d later regret.
What she netted thrashed, getting them wet.
Though she landed the cod,
she had not landed Rod,
who first hooked, then released poor Annette.
/// In fact, Roddy got lucky last night,
and he thought Annette was a delight.
But he never will tarry
when a girl wants to marry.
They go fishing and he picks a fight.
/// Although some men would think it was odd;
Rodney’d christened a part of his bod.
He and it share a name,
but it fills him with shame
when girls call “Rodney two” ”Little Rod.”
/// Annette vowed, Rodney she would repay
for each maiden he’d woo and waylay.
All he’d left in the lurch
joined and tracked him to church
where they testified how he would prey.
/// Thus Rodney did not get away
with his plan to lead virgins astray.
Annette got her wish:
Rod would catch no more “fish.”
He was shunned until his dying day.
/// The fish now being netted by Shelly
had an engagement ring in its belly.
He knew, ‘cause he’d bought it
then pretended he’d caught it.
But then Shell threw it back; it was smelly.