Info about this artist is posted at another blog entry.
1 year ago
/// She tries drying herself, but some scamp
used the towels and put them back damp.
Now her moves are distorted,
and her body’s contorted,
and she’s given her muscles a cramp.
/// Her hot bathwater’d made the air misty.
The damp nude was annoyed and got pissed he
had examined her back
(feeling from nape to crack)
to proclaim, “Good, your spine’s not too twisty.”
/// Throwback Thursday, means things are repeated,
like her spine which she, twice, has mistreated.
She has thrown out her back
and now needs an ice pack,
or perhaps some new towels, well heated.
1 year ago
/// “Fitted sheets always end up a mess.
How to fold them flat, I cannot guess.
Though I try, they resist,
wrapped my neck to my wrist,
and they seem to have swallowed my dress.”
Info about this artist is posted at another blog entry.
/// She tries drying herself, but some scamp
used the towels and put them back damp.
Now her moves are distorted,
and her body’s contorted,
and she’s given her muscles a cramp.
/// Her hot bathwater’d made the air misty.
The damp nude was annoyed and got pissed he
had examined her back
(feeling from nape to crack)
to proclaim, “Good, your spine’s not too twisty.”
/// Throwback Thursday, means things are repeated,
like her spine which she, twice, has mistreated.
She has thrown out her back
and now needs an ice pack,
or perhaps some new towels, well heated.
/// “Fitted sheets always end up a mess.
How to fold them flat, I cannot guess.
Though I try, they resist,
wrapped my neck to my wrist,
and they seem to have swallowed my dress.”