Emmanuel Zamor, Brazilian-French

“Still Life With Prawns,” a Masterpiece of the Shrimpressionist Movement, 1916

Oil on panel

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3 years ago

Info, or links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here (Google translated), here (Google translated), and here (Google translated), perhaps in addition to what's in his Wikipedia page (Google translated Portuguese Wikipedia page has more).

1 year ago

/// I, myself, never have been inclined
to eat shrimp, when on seafood I’ve dined.
The first person to try it
wasn’t picky with diet.
That guy must have been starving and blind.

/// There are probably very high odds,
that the first men to eat arthropods,
had been given a dare
and were forced then to swear,
“It’s ambrosia, the food of the gods!”

/// I know people who crave and go limp
for a crunchy bite of jumbo shrimp.
But I won’t make war on
that famed oxymoron,
‘cause they scare me, and I’m such a wimp.

/// It is not that shrimp taste so displeasing,
or some allergy sets me to wheezing.
I suspect it’s the crunch
heard and felt when I munch,
the shrimp’s innards, that gets my guts seizing.

/// The King Crab justly earned his great fame.
In comparison, shrimp’s put to shame.
The shrimp can’t do a thing
to checkmate the crab King
for he’s only a prawn in the game.

/// Jews have rules about matzoh and bread
and the foods which they may not be fed.
This is called “keeping kosher.”
Here’s my rules, (full disclosure):
Keep your shrimp, give me bacon instead.

/// Here’s some facts for you eager shrimp eaters,
know that not all are clean, raised by breeders.
Parasites and dead skin
from a dead fish’s fin
is their diet, they’re true bottom feeders.

/// Shrimp and cockroaches both are a sight
that fill most folks who view them with fright.
But we have to admit,
and give credit (a bit):
Roaches flee when you turn on the light.

/// Of those arthropods mentioned before,
who’d replace us when mankind’s no more,
I don’t know about prawn,
but the roach will live on
past a vast worldwide nuclear war.

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