Marianne Stokes, Austrian

“If You Kiss Me, I’ll Turn Back Into a Prince. Otherwise, I Can Only Do It Through a Complex Surgical Procedure Which Isn’t Covered By My Insurance Because It’s Considered Elective. But Hey — It’s Your Call,” ca. 1890

Oil on canvas

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3 years ago

Info, or links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here, here, here (can be read in full for free on Fridays), and here, perhaps in addition to what's in her Wikipedia page.

1 year ago

/// With his strong froggy legs the Prince sprung
to the lap of the beautiful young
Princess, who, with her kiss,
righted what was amiss.
(And, she liked what he did with his tongue.)

/// While in frog form his long tongue was sticky,
and his diet of flies was just “icky,”
but the Princess, (just twelve),
into that didn’t delve.
He turned human, and she isn’t picky.

/// Of her “Frog Prince” the Princess was fond.
Over years grew a strong loving bond.
His great lingual dexterity,
she would find, was a rarity
to those Princes not trained in a pond.

/// At sixteen she was fearing and dreading
the events on the night of their wedding.
Then she reasoned, with glee,
“He’d been green as a pea, 
I will make him sleep under my bedding!”

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