Briton Rivière, British

At First Emily Was Concerned. But Then She Realized They Probably Just Smelled Her Cat on Her, 1902

Oil on canvas

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3 years ago

Info, or links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here, here, here, here, here (can be read in full for free on Fridays), here, here, and here, perhaps in addition to what's in his Wikipedia page.

1 year ago

Isadora was convinced that the future of modern dance lay in Animal Choreography. Sadly, during a rehearsal of “Afternoon of the Fauna” she was tragically killed when an over-enthusiastic wolf pulled much too hard on her scarf.

1 year ago

/// For the love she inspired, wild beasts sought her,
and she led them all down to the water.
When they stopped at the brink,
one pard took the first drink,
and the spell broke, which started the slaughter.

/// Aphrodite began, in despair, to cry.
There’d been blood in that stream over there; that’s why
with one taste they grew fierce.
Claws gouge flesh; sharp fangs pierce.
Killing lions, and tigers, and bears. Oh, my!

/// Those concerned for the goddess’ fate
may take comfort in what I now state:
To the fierce carnivore,
the Greek Queen of Amor
was, quite simply, not something they ate.

/// So when all of the animals raced
to attack one another in haste,
they instinctively knew
that her ichor of blue
wasn’t food— it’s a matter of taste.

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