Arthur Perigal the Elder, English/Scottish

“Okay, You Guys — Doug’s Car Just Pulled Up Outside. Now Remember, When He Walks In, Everybody Yell ‘Surprise!’,” 1828

Oil on canvas 

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3 years ago

Artist info is pointed to in my comment at a prior blog entry.

1 year ago

/// I arrived for the Fancy Dress Ball
in the most clever costume of all.
Not a one could compare
with what I chose to wear.
(You’d agree if I weren’t so small.)

/// When we posed, on that magical night,
for the painter, I sought the best light.
I am bathed in it’s glow
in the 33rd row.
I’m the 98th one from the right.

/// The poor painter was forced to debase his
work of art for some obstinate cases
who demanded some “grease”
just to sign the release,
so he went back and blurred all their faces.

/// He had put so much detail into it,
as I saw when at last I could view it.
My facial expression
caused me deep depression,
but the painter refused to redo it.

/// Getting over that trauma was hard,
but it’s still nice to know that I starred
as the prime subject of
a great painting I love.
(It will serve as my next Christmas card.)

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