Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond, French

“Yo, Zeus! Beer Me!,” 1818

Oil on canvas

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3 years ago

Info, or links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here, here, here, and here (Google translated), perhaps in addition to what's in his Wikipedia page (Google translated French Wikipedia page has more).

1 year ago

/// Philoctetes trod on a viper,
and later his shipmates were hyper.
His fœtid infection
had caused his ejection—
marooned in a red fabric diaper.

/// In this solitude, lonely as hell,
he is starving, unwashed and unwell.
Desparate castaway thinks
that as long as he stinks
hungry beasts will back off from his smell.

1 year ago

/// Each dawn as he’d exit his cave,
Ulysses fought hard to stay brave.
Though wounded and wrecked,
in tatters bedecked,
and badly in need of a shave.

/// “This island will not be my grave!”
he’d often maniacally rave.
“If a ship should sail by
they might spy me if I
position myself here and wave.”

1 year ago

/// The captain knew not what to do.
A shipwreck had killed all his crew.
By natives then found,
struck, captured and bound,
‘tween pillars arcane and taboo.

/// Utter terror swooped in in a blur,
which much later in dreams would recur.
To his shameful dismay
all his clothes torn away
by a nightmare of claws, fangs and fur.

/// Captain castaway did not belong
on this island where Nature went wrong.
So he’d made his escape
from the gigantic ape
whom the natives had worshipped as Kong.

/// As a King, Mighty Kong was despotic.
And at Kaiju-style combat methodic.
Should they challenge his crown
he would soon put them down,
whether airborne, on land or aquatic.

/// Home port for the Captain was still a
few thousand leagues west in Manila.
But if Cap timed it right,
then right after the fight
he’d hitch a ride home on Godzilla.

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