Jean-Marc Nattier, French
Sir Tristan, Anchorman of the Round Table’s Relay Team, 1740
Oil on canvas
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1 month ago

Info, or perhaps links that point to more info, about this artist can be found here, here (archived, if necessary), here, here, here, here, here (can be read in full for free on Fridays), and here (archived, if necessary), perhaps in addition to what’s in his Wikipedia page (Google translated French Wikipedia page has more).

Last edited 1 month ago by mabrndt
1 month ago

/// Moren Cylux, a great Jedi knight,
had been dared by a Sith Lord to fight.
Putting faith in The Force,
he replied, “Yes, of course.”
But he can’t get his saber to light.

/// There’s no beam when the button he flicks,
and these weapons take too long to fix.
With a cracked Kyber Crystal,
and no blaster-type pistol,
he may need to use Jedi mind tricks.

/// Moren’s Padawan voiced some concern
for the armor, (which most Jedi spurn).
Years on hot Tattooine
with no SPF screen
required armor for double-sun burn.

/// Every day when this Jedi gets dressed,
a cloth banner gets draped ‘cross his chest.
Back in his pageant days
he won prizes and praise.
“Mr. Alderaan;” (he was deemed best).

/// The young Padawan’s deference was big,
for his Master, but still he would dig.
The apprentice recalled
many Jedi were bald,
but few wore such an obvious wig.

/// The question was asked with great care.
Cylux answered, “This hairpiece is rare.
Some gifts can’t be refused,
and the wig makers used
only pure and undyed Bantha hair.”

/// When he died, Cylux gained in renown.
Though, in life his foes thought him a clown.
Now they curse and they glower;
unimagined great power
became his after he was struck down.

/// Sadly, now that his mortem is post,
can’t with live girls do what he loved most,
and yet now that he’s “gone,”
Moren can “get it on”
with another (consenting) Force Ghost.

/// (Looming large in the culture called “pop,”
forty-seven years right near the top;
spawned terms not heard before—
now worldwide Star Wars lore.
It’s a franchise pervading nonstop.)

1 month ago

/// Christian Louis received lasting fame
on a canvas within a gold frame.
Here he holds a huge pen.
Extra ink for use when
he must legally sign his whole name:

Christian Louis de Montmorency-Luxembourg, Marshal of France 

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